Don’t Settle

Settling. What does that mean? It means that you allowed yourself to have something lesser than what you originally wanted. It may mean that you did not take the time to aim as high. 

People normally settle when they feel or they believe that they cannot or will not achieve what they really wanted. People also settle when they don’t believe that that they can or should work hard at achieving something because they don’t deserve it or they don’t want to work hard to have it. 

This post is about helping you realize that settling is not the right approach. Working hard and strategically at attaining what you really want is. If God has put something on your heart, and you have thought about it and you know that it is something that is really important to you, taking the time to envision it in great detail and in great depth is totally important. In other words, creative visualization is hard work (in my opinion) and it takes time to sit in silence or with good music, and to see in your mind’s eye that thing currently in your possession. That means working hard and strategically at it and that means both working in the physical and working in the spiritual. I want to be clear about this point: when you want something, you have to work hard in real physical life and in the spiritual to get it. Doing one without the other is not the full picture. Can you get it without visualizing it? Possibly, yes. But visualizing yourself having it greatly increases your chances of getting it. It greatly increases your prospects and really, wouldn’t it be wonderful to see yourself, today, in possession of that thing. Wouldn’t that be great and wouldn’t that make you happy? 

I know that when something is important to me, it is going to take time and work to see myself in possession of it but it’s worth it. It’s worth it because it puts me on the fast track to having it and that is really amazing. Why wouldn’t I take some time each day to put myself on the fast track to attaining it? Why wouldn’t I take some time each day to put myself on the fast track to having it in my possession?

Settling is not good. When we settle, it is usually because we chose not to put in the effort to attaining something better – something we really wanted. Maybe you feel you don’t deserve it, if that’s the case, work hard to deserve it. Maybe you feel you should not have it, if that’s the case, work hard so you can feel that you should have it. WHatever your reason is, know that we are given a chance in this life to really go after what we want and to really be diligent about it will pay off because when you are finally in real time possession of it, you are going to feel pretty great! 

And for those of you who feel you don’t deserve it, I invite you to change your mind and to feel differently – so that you set yourself down today to achieving it! 

I often think of a prayer that I like to offer to people who may feel nervous about starting the visualization process and may feel apprehensive about it. Feel free to write this prayer down and to see how you might feel about it:

Lord Jesus, I ask You to come into my life and to help me feel good about this. You know what is in my heart and my true feelings about it. I am nervous or worried or apprehensive or excited about it…whether I deserve it or not or whether I am ready for it yet. I am asking You to help me work toward this and to open the doors that need opening and to close the doors that need closing so that I can either gain insight about this or so that I can achieve it. I also ask that you help me to pray about it and help me to creatively visualize it so that I can really feel that I have attained it, should that be Your will.

In Jesus’ name. Amen