Is manifesting biblical?

Manifesting and visualizing are both biblical. Jesus often used visuals to communicate things and He often encouraged people to see things not as they are but as they desired them to be:

Luke 13:20 “The kingdom is like yeast mixed through a batch of dough”

Matthew 7:3-5 How can you take a speck out of someone’s eye when you have a plank in yours?

Matthew 5: 25-34 Look at the birds… look at the lilies

Luke 17:6 Faith as small as a mustard seed

Luke 22:19-20 The elements of the Lord’s supper

John 15:1-6 I am the vine, you re the branches. Apart from me, you wither.

Matt. 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth.”

Matt. 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world. People don’t put a lamp under a bowl! Let your light shine.”

You Co-Create with Jesus

When we take the time in our day to ask the Holy Spirit to give us visuals and we focus on the details of those visuals, what we are really doing is spending time co-creating with God and unleashing His power into a situation. When you see things not as they are but as you wish them to be, you are co-creating. Because we have been made in the likeness and image of God, we are also able to create (just like He did and does). This means that we can create goodness or we can create disaster or unfortunate events. Focusing your attention in a sustained way will cause you to create.

For example, I remember one of my very first time co-creating a new job I was hoping for. I knew that this was a direction that was God’s will because it lined up perfectly with His word, so, each day, for about 20 mins in the morning and 20 mins in the evening, I would close my eyes and with the eyes of my heart, I would :
– see myself being asked to interview for the position and what that would look like
– see myself getting an email offering me the job and the exact wording of that email that I was hoping to read
– see the paycheque in my account and I would really focus in on this
– I would feel all the happy feelings that I would feel if this job was offered to me in reality today

When we take the time to see with the eyes of our heart, we focus in on the details, we see the good news in front of us as already-completed realities and we feel the happy feelings for a sustained time, we thank God for blessing us with the manifestation as though we have it in our hands today…we will come to see the manifestation of it in our physical reality.

This is how we co-create with God.

Try it today. It is free, you can create anything as long as it lines up with the word of God and you can begin today to create a life that is full of joy, happiness and the creativity of God!