I felt inspired to write this post because I know that fear is such a pervasive and important topic to write about because people feel scared a lot and they worry about so many different things in life: from love to career to finances and everything in-between and when there is an issue like this, the best thing to do is to tackle is straight-on, not letting fear govern or have a place in running our lives. What I mean by that is simply that we are going to feel fear sometimes in doing things but we have to make sure that we are managing that fear and doing what we can in order to do what needs to be done in spite of feeling the fear.
Entering the Rest of God
One of the best things about God is that we can ask Him to give us the strength that we need when we are afraid of something. When we ask God to give us His rest and His peace to get through something or to undertake something, something amazing happens….He actually gives us the almost supernatural ability to get through it. He doesn’t take away all the fear necessarily but He gives us the ability to do it in spite of the fear we are feeling. This is part of what it means to enter into the rest of God. And you do not need to be a church pastor or missionary or such in order to partake in this benefit. All you have to do is be willing to give God the opportunity to show you how He can be there for you and to provide for you.
24/7 Rest
God does not sleep or slumber. He is ready and available to talk to you anytime, day or night, regardless of the time zone and regardless of anything. You don’t even need to speak out loud because He can read your mind. You can make a prayer for help in your mind and He will hear it and He will respond. Are you looking for His reply? If you are not looking for His reply, there is a good chance you will miss it. Many people do not realize that prayers with God are actually conversations – ones where we talk and He also replies to us. That response can be a feeling, a sensation, hearing Him talking out loud in our mind and more. When you are new to this, you might be thinking “Christine, seriously?? God talks to us?!?” and my reply would be “He absolutely does.” He loves talking to us and He has been doing it since Scriptural times. It is one of the ways that He provides for us because we were always meant to do life with Him, to be dependent (not independent) of Him.
So if you are facing something today where you are feeling unsure if you should proceed or how you should proceed, take it to Him. Ask Him. Request help from Him. He is ready and available and willing to help you.
Take Note
When you ask God for help, write a little note for yourself in your journal or on your device that reminds you that you did that and what it is you asked for and on what day. It is beneficial to do this for a few reasons: 1. you are keeping track of what you asked 2. you are keeping track of when you asked for His help 3. you are reminding yourself that you did reach out and you can track when He responds, and that can be great for your testimony of success later on.
Keeping track of His reply and how and when it came would also be really helpful because it helps to put things into perspective and to help you understand the direction He is indicating to you is the right one for you.