Teaching Journaling

In this section, my goal is to teach you how to access the Holy Spirit and then, how to allow yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit.

Why is this important?

It is the foundation of all that you do. When you access the Holy Spirit and allow yourself to be guided by Him, you are allowing God to guide you in life and you are surrendering to Him, as opposed to just following your own ways and desires, which are considered fruitless and works of the flesh.

When the teacher teaches you how to journal and access the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, you are living the life that God has prepared for you and in doing so, you are accessing God’s best for you life.

We are not meant to be living life on our own terms. We are meant to live our lives in communion (in active, personal relationship) with Christ. This is your own personal relationship with Christ, the One who died for you and for all people so that we can have eternal life with God.

Truth be told, this is how I and my Christian friends (and my Christian-curious friends) live our lives. We are guided by the Lord Jesus Christ. How? Through journaling and guidance provided by the Holy Spirit.

Step 1: We have to pray and ask God to speak to us. This is often done through two-way journaling. Two-way journaling simply means that you write down your thoughts, ideas and feelings and ask God whatever you want to ask through those questions and He replies (and you write down His replies in your journal).

So….how do we pray for this? Simple. Here is a sample prayer that I used many years ago and it was as though a “click” went off in my inner ear and I started to hear His thoughts and His guidance through flow.

God, I am asking You right now to speak to me. I am asking You to grant me the ability to hear from You directly and to show me and guide me. I am beginning the two-way journaling process with the Holy Spirit and I am asking You to begin speaking to me and guiding me so that I can write this down and begin or continue this two-way relationship with You. I thank You for this in advance of receiving it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Step 2: Stop and wait. Stay in quiet and have your paper and pen or your laptop/computer in front of you. Wait and listen. When you begin to hear a spontaneous flow of thoughts and communication, write them down as best as you can.

Here is a sample of my own journaling and I cover this much more extensively in my books:

Christine: God, will You speak to me? I’d like to be sure that I am showing people the right way to ask You to speak to them.

God: And you have done so well. Those who wish to hear from Me will have their hearts open to doing so…and they will hear from Me. Those who do not will not have their hearts open and will be living for themselves. Teach them the right way and pray that they come to Me. It really is all about a live, personal, living relationship with Me. Many will come to see, know and understand that.

More on Journaling: If you are interested in asking questions and / or to learning about journaling, simply email drchristinetopjian@gmail.com and I will get back to you.